Early Career Physiologists' Symposium 2013 (ECPS 13)

10 December 2013, Dublin, Ireland

"New Insights Into Ion Transport Physiology: Health And Diseases"

Ion channels and transporters are key regulators of cell physiology. During the last three decade these membrane proteins have been found to play a larger role in physiology than had been thought before. New roles for ion channels in the regulation of cellular processes and signalling pathways have been elucidated. On the other hand, a number of mechanisms that regulate ion channel activity have also been found to influence cell physiology. It’s become clear that ion channels and transporters are main components of the cell physiology and their dysregulation leads to pathophysiological conditions known as channelophaties. 

The aim of this symposium is to discuss the recent findings in ion transport physiology and pathophysiology and to create an environment where young physiologists can have a closer contact with internationally renowned senior scientists.

Registration and abstract submission deadline have been now extended to the 15th of November 2013!

The registration and abstract submission for ECPS 2013 are now closed!

Final Programme available here